By: Dr. Chantal Scholtz – Head of Chemistry In the constant battle between the farmer and crop insect pests, the search for effective and environmentally friendly insecticides resulted in the discovery of pyrethrin …
MBFi’s Poly Technology
by Cloete Rossouw – Formulation Chemist & S.B. Coetzee – Plant Pathologist When talking about polymerization, the first thought that comes to mind is plastic production or the lid of the Tupperware lunch box lying in the cupboard. In the agricult …
Vaccination Initiative at MBFi
In August this year we were fortunate enough to be able to create the opportunity for everyone working at MBFi to get vaccinated at headquarters. The Department of Health sent out their field team to come out to our offices and we turned our cafeteri …
Biological nitrogen fixation Increased legume productivity through Innovative Symbiotic Agricultural Technology
Authors: Alicia Geyer (Head Microbiologist) & SB Coetzee (Plant pathologist) Nitrogen – anything but lifeless The element nitrogen was called “azote” by the French chemist Antoine Lavoisie, meaning “without life”. On the contrary, it has be …