The Foundation Pack Range offers farmers all-in-one seed treatments. These packs contain variations of high quality seed treatment products. A Foundation Pack may include the likes of fungicide, nutritional products, plant stimulants, bacterial protecting agents and top quality Rhizobium inoculants. These products will ensure the best possible foundation is set for your crop, and will assist with plant growth, increased nitrogen fixation, disease control, maximum root development as well as gaining the yield responses you require.
What makes our Foundation Packs stand out from the rest?
Specific Foundation Packs have been tested and developed for individual crops, thereby giving them the opportunity to perform at their best and yield at their maximum. Our products are easy to handle, can be applied using practical methods and boast top quality products. The Foundation Pack Range will assist with: Disease Control (Fusarium, Rhizoctonia and Pythium); Supplement nutrition, thereby reducing the risk of any deficiencies after germination; Increasing germination percentages; Increasing root development (size and quality) and increased nitrogen fixation for improving yields.
MBFi has researched, developed and registered a variety of seed treatment products which are packed according to each crops unique needs. These specialised packs will enhance the crops yield potential, increase germination percentage by 8-30%, create better root development (quality and size), increase plant growth, add essential nutrients and sugars where required and increase micro-organism protection through the use of one of our inoculants and its new technologies.
The inoculants present within the Foundation Packs may include one or more of the following; liquid based rhizobium inoculants, OSMO Protected rhizobium inoculants and Signal Generation rhizobium inoculants; all of which will assist with efficient nitrogen fixation on legume and other crops as well as the effective control of root disease (Rhizoctonia, Pythium and Fusarium).